Monday, August 31, 2020

Is the WSJ Editorial Board a group of racists who support vigilantes?

An earlier post called the outrage over what Tucker Carlson said about vigilantism a sham and a shame. I wonder if an editorial by the WSJ will generate the same reaction. Here are the first and last paragraphs of the editorial.

"The violent protests of the last three months in Portland, Ore., escalated on Saturday night into a right-left confrontation that resulted in one man shot dead in the streets. This is what happens when political leaders fail to perform the most basic responsibility of government to protect innocent lives and property.


"Vigilantism isn’t the cause of the current urban violence, but it could become one result of the failure to control violence. Americans have watched for weeks as rioters burned and looted businesses that people spent a lifetime building. Yet mayors like Ted Wheeler have let it happen. Inevitably, average citizens will move to defend themselves if elected officials won’t protect them. The proper place to do that is at the ballot box, however, not in the streets with guns."

Stating that "average citizens will move to defend themselves" is a more restrained way of asking "[h]ow shocked are we that 17-year olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order ... ?"

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