My premise is that most politicians say anything that furthers their agenda and helps them get elected. My dream is that by pointing out that what they say is a sham and shaming them for posturing, they will posture less and govern better. I don't expect success. If Jon Stewart and Tucker Carlson have been unsuccessful, what chance do I have? I also occasionally add my own commentary and thoughts. The opinions here are mine. No one reviews or approves what I post.
Monday, November 29, 2021
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
‘Incitement’: Cori Bush Called Out For Rittenhouse Remarks, Claims White Supremacists Shot At Her
"The Washington Post’s fact-check previously reported:
'[Kamala] Harris and [Elizabeth] Warren have ignored the findings of the Justice Department to accuse [police officer Darren] Wilson of murder, even though the Justice Department found no credible evidence to support that claim. Instead, the Justice Department found that the popular narrative was wrong, according to witnesses deemed to be credible, some of whom testified reluctantly because of fear of reprisal. The department produced a comprehensive report to determine what happened, making the senators’ dismissal of it even more galling. Harris and Warren both earn Four Pinocchios.'"
Ferguson Police Chief Frank McCall Jr. said on Monday that he was not aware of any record of [shoots fired at Cori Bush]occurring, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch."